What is EFF?

EliteFightingForce is a SWAT4 Multiplayer Clan.

Who runs EFF?

We have 4 (four) members with the highest authority in EFF -

-> The GOS (General of the Squad) 44k1lla

-> The MOFF (Membership Officer) AirForceOne1

-> Networking Officer (Server Host) FoRCes

-> Networking Officer (Server Management) Brodie

What are the ranks in EFF?

The ranks are as follows, from highest to lowest -

General Of The Squad - (GEN)<(EFF)> **
General - GEN *
Major General - MG
Colonel - COL
Major - MAJ
Lieutenant - LT
Sergeant - SGT
Corporal - CPL
Private First Class - PFC
Private - PVT

*This rank must be achieved and cannot be attained through scores/skill. Generals must commit themselves and help support the EFF Clan. Please contact one of the GENs for further instructions if you want to become a GEN.
**This is not a rank for members. EFF has only one GOS (44k1lla).

How can I join?

To join EFF please fill out form at the 'Recruit Application.' It takes less than a minute!

Is it free?

Absolutely YES! EFF started off being free of charge and will stay that way. However donations are accepted since maintaining the website and server takes time, effort and money.

Do I need to register?

You only need to register if you want to wear the EFF tag while playing SWAT4. Otherwise to surf the website and post on the forum are all the same to all users.

I haven't received a reply for the recruit application?

Please wait 2-3 days before you get a reply. Our Admins are working around the clock to manage the clan and at times work-load pile up.

What is the EliteClan™ News?

EliteClan™ News is our trademark name for the latest Clan News. We reguarly post news and updates to keep you informed!

What is the EliteMember™ Roster?

EliteMember™ Roster is the trademark name for Member Roster. It keeps track of all the members within EFF and also includes their rank, X-Fire username, Hotmail and rank insignia.

What is the EliteForums™?

EliteForums™ is the trademark name for the EFF Forum Discussion Board. Guests can post new topics and reply to others. Its absolutely free, and DOESN'T require registration.

I still have a question?

If the F.A.Q hasn't answered your question or you're still not sure, please do no hesitate to contact the admins.

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